Inability to descend the distal first ray = bunion

Posted in: extensor hallucis brevisflexor digitorum brevisfootforefootsupinatustrigger point dry needling instructionvarus
More QT on the QP....
Needle, needle, needle....
You may have seen my last post on the QP. If not, see here.
"Thus, the tendon and tendinous slips of the FHL may distribute the load of the great toe to the second toe to the third or fourth toe in the forefoot, especially during toe-off. In addition, the main attachment of the QP to the tendinous slips of the FHL may provide . . .
Posted in: footgaitintrinsicsneedleplantaeqpquadrates plantaequadratustrigger point dry needling seminar
The QT on the QP
Quadratus Plantae
Possibly heard of, rarely implicated and not often treated, this is one muscle you should consider taking a look at.
The quadratus plantae is generally considered to arise from two heads of differing and variable fiber type composition, with the lateral head having slightly more Type 1 endurance fibers (1) The two . . .
Posted in: 1st mtp1st rayflexorflexor digitorum longusfootintrinsicsplantaequadrates plantaequadratustrigger point dry needling seminar
The extensor hallucis brevis : An overlooked "miracle worker"
Look at this beautiful muscle in a foot that has not yet been exposed to hard planar surfaces and shoes that limit or alter motion!
The Extensor Hallicus Brevis, or EHB as we fondly call it (beautifully pictured above causing the extension (dorsiflexion) of the . . .
Posted in: 1st mtp1st rayehbextensor digitorum brevisextensor hallucis brevisfootgaittpdntrigger point dry needling seminar
More on that post operative fractured foot
the second article in a series
This is part 2 of a series following a case. If you missed part 1, please go here and read what we found.
The patient returns 1 week later and reports being approximately 25% improved. She has been performing her "toes up" exercises while walking all the time. She is having some difficulty still with balance. . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecuboiddeep needlingdysfunctionextensor digitorum brevisextensor digitorum longusfootfractureintramuscularintramuscular therapyjointmuscle layersnavicularneedlingrehabilitationstimulationtpdntrigger point dry needling instruction
A Serial Case
Lets follow what I did on a recent post fracture foot
In this series, we will follow the progress of a post surgical, post rehab foot. These are the actual case notes and you can follow my thought process as we move along.
JM presented with left-sided content foot pain. On July 24 she broke her left navicular and cuboid (pretty unusual, as these fractures are . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecuboiddry needlingextensor digitorum brevisextensor digitorum longusfacilitationfootfracturenavicularneedlingrehabilitationtpdntrigger point dry needling instruction
A little more on the tibialis posterior....
A little more on the tibialis posterior (or any tendon for that matter)....
On my way back from Vancouver, BC, I am reminded of the many muscles we needle frequently, and some of our clinical discussions over the weekend.
We tend to think of the etiology of tendinopathies as being overuse or biomecanically stressful situations, which are . . .
Posted in: acupunctureanklecaichangeschroniccountingfootgaitintramuscularintramuscular therapymuscle actionmuscle layersneedlingperoneus longusrehabtpdnvascularvascular changes
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