While running intervals on a cool 19 degree morning, something dawned on me. My left knee was hurting from some patellar tracking issues, but only on initial contact and toe off. I generally run with a midfoot strike. I began concentrating on my feet, lifted and spread my toes and voila! my knee pain instantly improved. Very cool, and that is . . .
Posted in: cerebellumconvergencedivergencedry needlingextensorextensor digitorum brevisextensor digitorum longusflexorhip extensorlumbricalsneurologynucleiiperoneus brevispositionproprioceptionproprioceptivetrigger point dry needling instruction
Things often work better in pairs...
The glutes and your....feet?
You may have heard me talk about how the lower kinetic chain is connected, how ankle rocker effects hip extension and how important hallux (great toe) extension is.
What can we conclude from this study?
- toe spreading exercises are important for reducing navicular drop (and thus mid foot pronation, at least . . .
Posted in: ankle rockerbrevisdorsiflexiondysfunctionextensorextensor digitorum longusextensor hallucis brevisflexorflexor digitorum longusgluteus maximusgluteus mediusgluteus minimushallicishallucishamstringhiphip extensorhip flexoriliacusintrinsicsit bandpsoasrehab
The Extensor Hallucis Brevis
A primary descender of the 1st ray
Look at this beautiful muscle in a foot that has not yet been exposed to hard planar surfaces and shoes that limit or alter motion!
The Extensor Hallicus Brevis, or EHB (beautifully pictured above causing the extension (dorsiflexion) of the my son's proximal big toe) is an important muscle for descending the . . .
Posted in: acupuncturebrevisdeep needlingdry needlingehbextensorextensor hallucis brevisfoothallicishallucismuscle layersmyofascialneedlingperoneusperoneus longusrehabrehabilitationtpdn
Cover image credit: http://wallpapershacker.com/skulls_sketches_skeletons_spine_drawings_hd-wallpaper-1015286/