Functional Integrative Rehabilitation Education

The 1st Ray; the NEW Superhero?

Does the 1st ray complex have super powers? Perhaps Marvel should consider a new superhero

“Ray”? We are not sure but here is a story that gets us one step closer to the answer. 


While teaching a Level 1 Dry Needling course this past weekend (if you were there, then this will be

a . . .

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November 08, 2017

The latissimus


The latissimus dorsi is THE functional link between the upper and lower extremity, particularly though its connections with the thoracolumbar fascia (1, 2). Affording itself a large attachment centrally from the T7 to L5 spinouses, laterally to the iliac crest and thoracolumbar fascia, rostrally to the lower 3 or 4 ribs and . . .

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October 23, 2017


The extensor hallucis brevis : An overlooked "miracle worker"

Look at this beautiful muscle in a foot that has not yet been exposed to hard planar surfaces and shoes that limit or alter motion!Silvrback blog image

The Extensor Hallicus Brevis, or EHB as we fondly call it (beautifully pictured above causing the  extension (dorsiflexion) of the . . .

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October 09, 2017

The 1st MTP

Functional Anatomy, Trigger Points and More...

Good Morning


I just released a new video excerpted from a recent Level 2 TPDN course. It's about one of my favorite articulations, the 1st MTP. One of the most important and most distal joints involved with the gait cycle whose dysfunction leads to a constellation of problems north in the kinetic chain.


Enjoy . . .

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October 02, 2017

Beyond Needling Trigger Points

Beyond the Trigger Point

Many of us needle. We are taught to dry needle trigger points and sometimes (especially in the seminars I teach), to needle the segmental innervation of the muscle involved. But should we do more? I think so, and here is one paper on incorporating needling myofascial meridians along with trigger points that . . .

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September 25, 2017

The all it's glory

Today we are going to look at what I feel is one of the most important muscles to evaluate and treat with low back pain patients, as well as those with gait and lower extremity disorders. 

Let's look at some of the functional anatomy of the QL.

It is useful to think of the QL as having three divisions. Though they can’t . . .

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August 31, 2017

The Quadratus Femoris

An often overlooked culprit

We often find clinically that the quadratus femoris as becoming the 1st dysfunctional muscle of the deep 6 external rotators (1) and its pain referral pattern can mimic the piriformis (2) and piriformis syndrome (3) as well as hamstring insertional tendinitis.  It has also been implicated in some cases of . . .

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May 18, 2017


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